How to stop drinking? Regular consumption of enough alcohol quickly begins to be perceived as the norm. In every situation a person begins to consider the consumption of alcohol concise. Thoughts on how to follow up with the alcohol, fear that life events become less noticeable. Gradually the habit becomes a disease weakening the health, personality, human and professional relationships.

How to understand that it is necessary to urgently stop drinking alcohol? About the fact that alcohol has already become the norm, evidenced by a morning hangover and frequent changes of mood.
How to get rid of drunkenness? Alcohol addiction requires quick and effective treatment. The main obstacle for this is the fact that the alcoholic does not recognize the existence of the problem, finds many self-excuses and looking for a way to get rid of their addiction. If he wants to stop drinking alcohol, but just doesn't know how to do, the problem is half solved.
How to get rid of alcohol addiction? Seriously think about how to stop drinking, like during the frequent holidays (more than 1 times per month) and needs while increasing the dose. If after the next feast with You begins with the booze, it means that alcoholism has become Your diagnosis. How to stop drinking alcohol?
Drug methods of treatment
How to stop drinking alcohol with the help of drugs? Drug treatment is aimed at suppressing the negative consequences of the ingestion of ethanol, the treatment of associated psychiatric and addiction disorders and somatic diseases caused by prolonged alcohol intoxication of the body. How exactly it helps to get rid of alcohol addiction?
Using detoxification, soothing, a multivitamin and a tonic funds neytralizuya the toxic effects of ethanol and carried out the treatment relief of alcohol dependence.
How to stop drinking alcohol, using drugs? With the help of drugs artificially created by the "chemical protection", in which the intake of alcohol significantly worsens the condition of the patient. The composition of the medicinal courses, are also included drugs from the group of sedatives and anti-depressants, and when significant anxiety or aggression shows antipsychotics.
How to forever stop drinking alcohol with the medication? The disadvantage of pharmacological treatment of alcoholism is that a number of drugs act symptomatically and does not affect the time dependence.
As well as the release of the patients of alcohol dependence in the world? Effective herbal remedies used in countries with highly modern medicine, are not available to domestic patients, and preparations for aversion therapy on the basis of disulfiram or cyanamide will allow you to finally overcome cravings just when he woke up the front desk and at a high level of motivation of the alcoholic.

How to stop drinking using drugs? Regardless of the psychological factors and cheap personal interest treatment treatment alcohol dependence faced with the consequence, without affecting the cause of the problem. In addition, it does not compensate for the psychological changes, it has a wide list of contraindications and it is very difficult to tolerated by patients. How to stop drinking alcohol?
Ban techniques
How to stop drinking? One of the common ways to get rid of alcoholism is the coding. The method focuses on blocking the intake of ethanol and can be effective in the stage of formation of addiction, where biological and psychological changes are minimal, self-criticism is not reduced, and the identity is not destroyed due to alcoholism.
How to forever get rid of the drunk by using the coding? The method is based on the hard ban on alcohol consumption during a certain period, for fear of negative consequences. Often enough after the end of this period, is a person, and especially with a substantial alcoholic experience, starts to abuse spirits to an even greater extent (so-called effect of a long ban). How to stop drinking alcohol?
Alternative methods
How to stop drinking alcohol? The number of original methodologies is based on a completely different approach, and that the controlled use of alcoholic beverages and develops on them, the normal reaction of the body.
How to get rid of alcohol addiction by using alternative methods? Their disadvantage, in addition to the mandatory informed approach is longer — up to 8 months duration of the course. Thus, when the end comes no more than 2 % of patients. In addition, if the alcohol treatment leads to a complete rejection of alcohol, it cannot be considered effective. How to stop drinking alcohol?
Psychotherapeutic methods

How to get rid of alcohol addiction? An integral part of the complex therapy of alcoholism is psychotherapy. Its main task is the adoption of the patient, fact, dependence and loss of self-control. How psychotherapy helps to stop drinking alcohol? It has a variety of forms — an interview with a therapist-a psychiatrist, individual and group methods. Exactly how it helps to stop drinking?
In the initial stages of alcoholism psychotherapy wears a momentary and specific character. Helps the patient in solving the living problems of life, which are the cause of alcohol abuse. Further psychotherapeutic methods are applied in order to increase the level of motivation of the patient. And how to forever get rid of alcohol addiction?
How to get rid of intoxication and not become a victim of swindlers?
How to stop drinking alcohol? It's no secret that many of the unclean on the side of entrepreneurs trying to cash in on people's desire to get rid of alcohol addiction drinks. They claim that they know exactly how to quickly and permanently stop drinking alcohol without any work and work on yourself from the patient. Often a fraudulent scheme to protected licenses and the well-advertised. How to stop drinking alcohol?
Method Of Allen Carr's
"I want to stop drinking alcohol, but I don't know how to do it," he thinks a man trapped in addiction to alcohol. While the millions of alcoholics in the world to find the answer to the question "How to stop drinking alcohol?" help book Allen Carr "Easy way to stop drinking". Many of them have used the technique on the recommendation of those who come to grips with my addiction with her help earlier. How this book helps to throw to drink alcohol?
The effectiveness of the method Carr explains its fundamental difference from the methods based on the use of force of will. It clearly defines, what's the harm alcohol:
- financial cost;
- pathological dependence;
- the negative attitude of the company;
- the danger for the health.

But accent attention on these aspects of the problem, the way it is and without further explanation of the well-known alcoholics. The focus of the method of Allen Carr's are the reasons that lead people to consume alcoholic beverages, regardless of the obvious damage. How is it that it helps to follow up with alcohol?
Carr convincingly proves that man is not far from alcohol because of fears. It's fear:
- stay without the support and pleasure;
- stay powerless before the stress;
- to lose one of life's great pleasures;
- be vulnerable to a syndrome of withdrawal symptoms and the irresistible craving for alcohol;
- that desire for alcohol is definitively resolved never.